Thursday, May 28, 2009

Time to report

Earl had a doctor report today and he was pleased with the X-Ray and said it was as he expected it to be and maybe a little better. He wants me to do away with the use of the walker gradually and said I could start putting more weight on the ankle foot. I still wear the brace boot all day but not at night now so that will be a relief during the night. I tried just using a cane after we got home this afternoon but that was'nt too smart as it caused some hurt so I will go back to the walker and will try getting by without using the electric scooter chair. It kind of spoils you for ease of getting from here to there and sort of makes you have to learn to walk again. The brace boot is to be part of me for another six weeks (yikes, that is a long time yet) and then I will see the doctor for another checkup.
Thanks for all your prayers and concern as I sure appreciated all the help it gave me.
Love from Grandpa and Dad.