Thursday, April 30, 2009

Earl's ankle surgery report

Ten days after ankle surgery the doctor check up turned out good. They took off the mamoth cast and cotton wrapping and took out about half of the stitch clamps and took three X-Rays and the doctor was very pleased with that much but there was some oozing of blood in some places that he did't care for so said to come back next Thursday to take out the rest of the stitches. We are to clean wash it once a day and gauze wrap it. I can put no more than 10% of my body weight on it but that is really a big help over not to put any weight on it.
Therapy tells me to wear support hose and a boot type soft cast on it for 24 hours and I was hoping for more freedom at night. I do get to do my therapy at Leoti 3 times a week for 4 weeks. The therapy people here at Leoti know me very well from my past go-arounds. The head guy is restoring an old Ford pickup and usually had a question for me that I hardly ever had an answer for but was interesting to visit about.
I go to Goodland tomorrow for ear wax removal and hope that turns out good. I was there about a month ago and he removed a small cyst from deep in my right ear.
When he sucked out the wax with a machine Im sure that if I would have had any brains they would have came out also. You guys can sure think something is wrong with my thinking now.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Hello to everybody!!! I guess I'm doing O.K. as far as I know after surgery the 20th of April to fuse my left ankle that has been sprain damaged for several times in the last 50 years and then arthritis takes over in the last few years. Thanks for everybodies prayers and concern and sure hope it makes a good recovery so I can walk good again. I go to the Doc next Thursday and hope I can put some weight on it to help me get around after that as he wants no weight on it now and I am not stout enough in my arms and shoulders to carry it so not easy to step anywhere.
Lois is wonderful to help me. Jason borrowed his Dad's electric scooter for me to use and it sure is a big help. I really appreciate getting to use it. I made a mistake of driving it up close to the kitchen sink and wiping the dishes once and now it is expected of me to do that every time. SHEESH! How do I get out of that now? (really a small contribution for as much as she does for me)
We had some very warm days Thursday and Friday and then Saturday had a high of 50 or about and today is back in the seventies so is very nice today.
Thanks again for all prayers for me as we know it takes God to watch over us and give his loving care to us.
We skipped Sunday School and went to church and Lois had good help from various guys to get me from the car to the wheel chair. We have one borrowed from the health center that folds up to go in the car.
OurLove To All from Earl and Lois. .

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Plans! Plans!

We had a drizzle all afternoon here for 20 hundred'ths Which is appreciated and more is forecast for tomorrow so we will see what comes by.
The plans for the ankle surgery are still in the go mode as I apparently passed the pre-op tests as we never heard any different. Earl checks into the Garden City hospital at 4 p.m. Sunday and we still don.t know what time the surgery is Monday but were told it would be first on their schedule.
Joann is coming to be with us Sunday evening and said she would probably stay until I got to come home. That is really appreciated by her Dad as she is so knowledgeable about what should go on and what shouldn't be done
Lois and Joann will be staying at night with Brenda (Minor) Jones. Really nice of her to take them in. Thanks, Brenda.
Dr. Baughman's office was to call us with more instructions and the time of the surgery but haven't yet. Maybe tomorrow.
We have a ramp installed at the back door with Thanks to Jason and Paige Wells and Braxton Berning. We got a wheel chair today from the health center and Jason is going to bring a nice electric scooter for me to use that is his Dad's.
Our Love to all from Earl and Lois.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


We have a total of 1.20 inches of rain to report as of 5 p.m. for the last 24 hours. Still dripping a few drops yet but what a great rain for us to enjoy. When it rains on Easter Sunday it is supposed to rain for seven Sundays. We'll see what that old wives tale turns out to be.
We were out to Bob and Ann's for Easter dinner and Jerry and Jennifer, Jackson, Luke. Aubrey, and a friend of Aubrey's were there and all enjoyed a very nice meal that Ann fixed for us.
We saw your comment, Joann and will try to get back to you on the phone this evening. We thank our Lord for the wonderful rain.
Our Love to all from Dad and Lois.


We are so happy to get to report a big half inch of rain overnight and still dripping nicely this morning. I know it is a small amount in comparison to the two and three inches reported not very far east of us but we are so thankful to get this much Thank you Lord for answering our prayers for what we are getting.
Will maybe blog some more later.
Dad and Lois