Sunday, April 26, 2009


Hello to everybody!!! I guess I'm doing O.K. as far as I know after surgery the 20th of April to fuse my left ankle that has been sprain damaged for several times in the last 50 years and then arthritis takes over in the last few years. Thanks for everybodies prayers and concern and sure hope it makes a good recovery so I can walk good again. I go to the Doc next Thursday and hope I can put some weight on it to help me get around after that as he wants no weight on it now and I am not stout enough in my arms and shoulders to carry it so not easy to step anywhere.
Lois is wonderful to help me. Jason borrowed his Dad's electric scooter for me to use and it sure is a big help. I really appreciate getting to use it. I made a mistake of driving it up close to the kitchen sink and wiping the dishes once and now it is expected of me to do that every time. SHEESH! How do I get out of that now? (really a small contribution for as much as she does for me)
We had some very warm days Thursday and Friday and then Saturday had a high of 50 or about and today is back in the seventies so is very nice today.
Thanks again for all prayers for me as we know it takes God to watch over us and give his loving care to us.
We skipped Sunday School and went to church and Lois had good help from various guys to get me from the car to the wheel chair. We have one borrowed from the health center that folds up to go in the car.
OurLove To All from Earl and Lois. .


Mike & Dana said...

I'm so glad to hear you're doing well Grandpa. Keep up the good work.
Love you,

Kim for the Kings said...

Grandpa, So glad you're still doing so well! We were thrilled to hear Mom's great report on Monday, and we're happy to hear things continue to look up. Praying for your continued healing! Love to you both!

Jennifer @ Diving In said...

Are you still pain-free? I've been praying for you, and hope your recovery is progressing quickly (although it sounds like that scooter is kind of fun!)