Thursday, April 16, 2009

Plans! Plans!

We had a drizzle all afternoon here for 20 hundred'ths Which is appreciated and more is forecast for tomorrow so we will see what comes by.
The plans for the ankle surgery are still in the go mode as I apparently passed the pre-op tests as we never heard any different. Earl checks into the Garden City hospital at 4 p.m. Sunday and we still don.t know what time the surgery is Monday but were told it would be first on their schedule.
Joann is coming to be with us Sunday evening and said she would probably stay until I got to come home. That is really appreciated by her Dad as she is so knowledgeable about what should go on and what shouldn't be done
Lois and Joann will be staying at night with Brenda (Minor) Jones. Really nice of her to take them in. Thanks, Brenda.
Dr. Baughman's office was to call us with more instructions and the time of the surgery but haven't yet. Maybe tomorrow.
We have a ramp installed at the back door with Thanks to Jason and Paige Wells and Braxton Berning. We got a wheel chair today from the health center and Jason is going to bring a nice electric scooter for me to use that is his Dad's.
Our Love to all from Earl and Lois.


The Wells Family-Jason, Gwen, Paige, and Lane said...

You'll all be in my prayers that everything will go smoothly. I hope that you are up and around shortly after surgery!

Just think how strong your arms will be after the extra workout they will get!

Drew and Carrie said...

We too will be praying for your surgery! I'm glad Mom is able to be there to help out! Sounds like you have lots of family helping! We love and miss you!

Mike & Dana said...

We will be praying for a fast recovery nice to your "nurses"!!! Hopefully they'll be nice to you too!!
Love you,

Earl and Lois said...

Thanks to all of you for your prayers for me as we know that is what it takes for God to give us faith and hope.
After reading the instructions from the Doctor's office I found that it said a nurse would call me the day before surgery to tell me the time it was to be and othere things that go along with it so we will maybe find that out then.
And Gwen, the more I try to figure out how to carry my left foot the more my arms and shoulders hurt. Time will tell.
And Dana, what makes you think I won't be nice to the nurses? Thanks for the advice anyway.
And yes Carrie, it is a real plus to have your Mom with us.
Love to all from Grandpa Earl.